Part 3, Abstract and Introduction.

Presenting Part 3 to people, an


A physicists* take on philosophizing on and trying to describe the world


I cannot guarantee perfect correctness but I’m trying my best to adhere to the principles

of science and being a scientist, doing my best effort to search for truth and knowledge, and always saying truth and knowledge before ideology, being for freedom, free will and free thought/speech/humour, and acting bona fide (in good faith).

I know and can explain the actual why that is behind the saying “Socialism fails and Capitalism works”.

I understand and explain in my text what makes Capitalism good and what makes it bad.

How the economic part is tied to the political/ideological and sociological parts.

What the construct of the Free Western World is, what principles it is built on, how it is unique both in current time and historically, and why it is very fragile and much easier to destroy than create!

That what ends civilizations is feminization leading to hedonism-collectivism!

My experiences have also made me a bit of an expert on (vernacular:)”Fascism”, what the abstraction in the general case is. Which is centrally important to have a good understanding of!

All of these topics are interconnected and all I have written about must be studied together!

I basically recreated this on my own, in my texts, from my own experiences and observations!

From my own thinking the danger of going into by .

And from understanding of psychology: .

To an extent I derive a political direction from first principles of existence in nature, including group dynamics.

Regarding contemporary cultural phenomena:

Where I not onesidedly, explain what masculinity and femininity is, what Patriarchy (and Matriarchy) is, what a Masculine and Feminine society and values is/are, what feminization (and masculinization) is, what effects it has on society, and how all that is related to the cultural phenomena of cancel-culture, sensitivity-culture ("snowflake"), "lgbtq+", "radical feminism", hatred of: men; anything masculine; whiteness; old/historical/traditional/religious, "postmodernism", BLM, statues removal, all the gender debates and +, victimhood, claims about various inequalities (which can very well simply be outcomes from free choices in a fair system), how certain perceivers fear high masculinity in almost complete misunderstanding of it in a highly prejudiced and at times even superstitious way, et cetera.

How these cultural phenomena are very similar to the Chinese “cultural revolution” and French revolution “reign of terror” and how this is in complete opposition to the Free Western World.

Example from me:

Last night in Sweden. Cancel-culture at Lund University. ( Starts at 0:29 ) 2020-09-28_12:17

And backstory:

This was piloted on North American university campuses.

When you understand what is (that which I term) "the construct of the Free Western World", and when you understand what (that which in folkmouth is called) "Fascism/socialism/communism" is in the general case, and what is required to live in a free and open society (as in open person) with Freedom of thought/speech/humour - to be a free will - only then will you have any idea of what happened and is happening in the USA 2020-2021 and what is at stake.

Broader speaking.

Three Spheres of Knowledge.

First two, regard regular human behaviour that has existed all along.

Third, regards the new and worldturning consequence of technology, presenting what I would term the ultimate test, or, more poetically, just, "the test".

1. Historical-Traditional part/sphere.

3. (Modern/scientific) analysis of human behaviour, pre-programmed psychology, group dynamics, politics, economy - as related to the fundamental laws of the universe and physics.

2. Science, physics and technology, and what consciousness is and what the human-societal-sociological-analysis says about consciousness, together with what the other fields in science/physics/mathematics say about consciousness.

Only with the latter two will the first one truly be understood - that Religion was all along right about the consequences of technology.

(How and why, that is a different but very interesting discussion and question to answer.)

Spheres 1 & 3 have existed throughout all of human civilization.

Sphere 2 is very new and a completely different beast!

Sooner or later.

Whether knowingly, or with eyes shut and head turned, or in ignorance.

Everybody will be faced with the test.

To resist giving in will be a hopelessness as impossible as if oneself having to move a whole mountain.

If one even as much as sees an alternative to begin with.

Religion prepares for this undertaking.

It is the difference between having the mentality of a King - versus that of a slave. Those two are not easily told apart.

A word of warning, to truly see and understand requires incredible strength, this is what Religion prepares for!

No matter what, remember, you are not alone and as T Great Teacher says, never give up!

Not in a very polished presentable state, recommend to read linearly, start to finish, and not skim, will probably just be nonsense otherwise. It is a philosophical text in its nature, not everything is spelled outright.

Each passage needs to be thought about more or less, for underlying understanding - just having read the words will give almost nothing, hence this cannot be read quickly nor skimmed.

WARNING: possibly very impolitically incorrect, and safety cannot be guaranteed!

Table of contents:

Part 3, Abstract and Introduction:

Part 3:

In “Part 3” is the foundation, for that which is

in this “Part 3, Addendum”, being conclusions therefrom drawn.

Part 3, Addendum:

/Vasilij Nokhrin


According to my theories. There is a secret war going on...

There are two sides, the new-school post-modern hedonist-collectivist pro-Feminization children, and the old-school adults pro-Masculinization who know what reality is.

This needs to be combined with understanding the feminizt perspective.

What the construct of the Free Western World is, and what old-school conservatives are compared to new-school everything-anti-conservative liberal-progressives.

All of this can be explained by looking through feminizt eyes - their definition of "Fascism" is Patriarchy, and anything having with Masculinization to do, which is something high up on a scale of mental toughness, which they want to bring down, feminize, that's where everyone(vast majority) non-manly men are (most women, little boys, lgbtq+) and they are to enjoy existence and are too weak to dissent or do anything other than agree and follow, hedonist-collectivists.

This isn't about "rich and corporations right" versus "left for working class and poor", there is no more "left".

It is about traditional conservative values, versus liberal-progressive-anti-conservative post-modern (~historyless) values, and it is about transferring power/wealth from the old-school to the new-school.

Check my channel/video and the links in description.

Conservatives are for tradition, values, principles, effort, responsibility and the construct of the Free Western World and hence Masculinization (toughening) of character.

Liberal elites are for everything opposite, are feminizts for Feminization (relaxation) of character, wipe history clean post-modernism, remove anything masculine and Patriarchal therefore hate anything religion and oppose it, feel victimized and get support - to become dependent on it hence controllable through withdrawal of it.

One is more adult, the other more children.

This time, they are coming for anything masculine, Patriarchal, religious, traditional, conservative, capitalism, competitive, dominant, anything/anyone saying against their Party line ideology, every single pillar that the construct of the Free Western World with an open society and freedoms of thought/speech/humour, is built upon is to be reversed and defiled with vitriol hatred, until everything is feminized, sensitive and too weak of character to be of any opposition, only to bend and join in, all this without appreciating, being grateful, for what was built, nor taking responsibility further than enjoyment in the moment. What will be after? Perfect comfort and safety in exchange for all Liberty? Until those with the new power arbitrarily want something else. And so far almost everybody is just cheering for them, ofcourse only knowing the superficial appearance.

When freedom and democracy becomes freedumb and dumbocracy.

They're basing all of these on one wrong assumption.

This is like a kid saying he knows better than his parents.

The big secret is that you don't want kids voting in the household.

The system is very deliberate and well thought out.

It is a safeguard in place if the people vote for the wrong thing.

The American Revolutionary War, American Revolution and Founding Fathers is the reason why we can live in a free and open society in the Free Western World! You have to know what "Fascism" in the general case is, and what the construct of the Free Western World is.

From what I have been able to gather, the proper definition of Socialism is:

Everything owned and controlled centrally, and decided upon by everyone together.

A sort of ultimate democracy.

A majority cannot be wrong.

So I'd think, so you'd think, so one'd think. Until learning new knowledge. Which I have written about.

Neither a majority, nor a small elite, nor a single King can be guaranteed, relied upon, to either come up with a near optimal solution nor recognize/verify a near optimal solution, had knowledge helps the situation, this is physical laws of the universe, the nature of information and computation, things aren't that simple.

Democracy isn't at all even closely in actuality, what people think it is.

It plays a smaller, but important role, of a bigger whole. It is far from the singularly and crucial "magical" solution, in fact, if relied upon on it's own, quite to the contrary, statistically an almost guarantee of tyranny.

The majority can be wrong.

Democracy cannot be relied upon to make close to optimal decisions and to create a good, open, free existence.

Nothing really can.

This is a fundamental physical, information, processing law of the universe.

When everything is centralized, "Socialism", a democracy of all, becomes instead a dictatorship of a small elite.

This is what the construct of the Free Western World has as one of its functions/goals of not falling to.

Typically media is on the level of childish naïve kids unfortunately, where I've also been, then I applied the scientific method and went further.

Feminization is a trap of relaxation into hedonism-collectivism.

Masculinization is an effort.

One way is a difficult exertion, the other is natural, easy, comfortable.

It is a scale of, for lack of better words, "toughness/resilience/hardness of mental character", how difficult of an environment one is able to handle.

According to my theories. "Fascism" in the general case is:

Single party dictatorship.

The higher up in the party the more "right/correct" you are.

Is no law equally applying to all.

Law is arbitrary, dictated by the highest Party memeber.

No freedom of thought, speech, humour.

A secret police with arbitrary power.

Strong self-censorship, fear of speaking/acting wrong, fear of sticking out and of disagreeing, for fear of being secretly reported for anything by anyone.

Which side is for free speech and open debate, and which other side is for silencing and censoring anything that is saying/thinking against?

Which side is for the construct of the Free Western World, and which other side is for centralizing power?

Which side is for cancel-culture?

Two very intelligent statements that are very similar:

I don’t mind surveillance, because I have nothing to hide.

I don’t mind the censorship, because I am not disagreeing with it.

I have not given up.

It would seem I am starting to get what a "Globalist" is, now with the WorldEconomicForum spearheaded by China, talking all pretty words, but doing something completely different, and then their "Great Reset". They are creating collectivism for their goals, because a collectivist and collectivistic group is the absolutely easiest to control! The feminizm-sjw is a tool, a means to an ends. It's Marxist victimization-infantilization-scapegoating, whether it be genders or race, whatever can fuel it, previously historically class (bourgeoisie vs proletariat), but the centrally important thing about Marxism, is that it is an opportunistic and popularizeable narrative - not being neither scientific nor related to actual reality - just a nice sounding/looking and adoptable idea/fantasy. Collectivists "think" that they are coming up with common decisions, and that they decide "democratically", but in reality they are being steered/gaslit, just like roughly one half regarding Trump.

And a third one:

I don't mind giving up all freedom for perfect security, because I trust my owners.

As a collectivist, one can only join the mob against Trump, one has no idea what it takes to be a single one standing up to several for the right thing. And the only reason for one dislike him to begin with, is because that's what's popular in one's environment. Try having a factually/scientifically and logically correct opinion of own making, that is against cancel culture and you will bump in to the walls of your invisible prison. One side is for free speech and open debate, the other is for silencing and censoring anything that is saying/thinking against.

As a collectivist, one will be a mental slave to the herd, not capable of free independent thought, either knowingly or oblivious, I don't know which of those would be worse.

Ironically, what the World Economic Forum are saying with needing a "Great Reset" (to instate single-party dictatorship collectivism), that is the Free Western World that needs a Great Reset!

And about being able to not purely go after maximizing profit, that is also true since this is what led to the "Fascist" takeover, there needs to be good intent behind decisions, good people in charge, not selfish cowards, good ideology - something other than pure profit.

The Free Western World has been slowly and gradually going further away from its pure state, what the American Revolutionary War and American Revolution and The Founding Fathers intended and created. When the "Fascists" ousted The Great Teacher was a great leap in that direction and was the ending of The Free Western World and an end to the existence of a free world. Europe is highly infected as well and has just like a small child never done anything nor held any responsibility, always being handheld and led by its parent, enjoying all of the benefits without having to do anything, any effort, none of the "dirty work", without holding any responsibility.

Even though this sounds very apocalyptic, this may well be an opportunity for rebirth, something that actually needs a "Great Reset" - the Free Western World!

We have a mission, everybody has a larger or smaller responsibility (that is ≠0 non-zero, or better >0 larger than zero, dogwhistle right there) in this "war", this is by the way probably the state to which Muslims have been very deliberately prepared, but I am ofc speaking of a mental/spiritual "war" - it is about resisting, resisting of succumbing, to something which is as hard to resist as it is easy to give in to and accept, succumbing to powerful evil, denunciation of any responsibility, to be a mental slave without own free will, a battle against others' wills as well as against one's own, from giving up, from giving in, from corruption, which of the two fronts being greater, impossible to say.

A reporter should, similar to a scientist, do a best effort to search for truth and science, to present it objectively, and to always say truth and science before ideology.

They are not journalists reporting news, they are Partisan Propagandists! (The liberal-progressive hedonist-collectivist MSM is insanely highly guilty of this, but the conservative-traditional are not fully innocent either, however much less egregious, quite truthful and unmanipulative, quite serious and professional). Like children and adults.


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