Last night in Sweden. Cancel-culture at Lund University.

Last night in Sweden. Cancel-culture at Lund University. ( Starts at 0:29 ) 2020-09-28_12:17

Description from video and more information is located in bottom.

Chronological backstory.

2019, fall semester, mid
First secret reporting was to the Lund University Science students’ union, LUNA.

What I get to know of my accusations: 1 or more people came forward and would be uncomfortable if I went to the below event.
Consequence: was not allowed to attend a discussion evening with the theme of quotation or affirmitive action, held by LUNA’s “Equality and Equal Treatment” committee (that I had signed up for per event instructions, that only the organizers knew about).

2020, spring semester, beginning

Second secret reporting was to the board of Pub Rydberg’s, of which I was a board member.

What I get to know of my accusations: made people uncomfortable, homophobia.

Consequence: was deemed unsuitable to sit on the board and be a representative of the pub.

While the first time I believed somewhat what was said, thinking I may have actually treated somebody badly, albeit must be somebody hypersensitive (to such a degree as being questionable if able to function in normal society), but still I took it seriously, even though I didn’t accept the way it was handled in the slightest.

This second time however, I knew it all must be absolute bullshit, because me being homophobic is absolutely impossible!

2020, spring semester, mid

Third secret reporting was again to LUNA, signed up for buying tickets to the Science students’ ball.

What I get to know of my accusations: made 1 or more people uncomfortable

Consequence: not allowed to attend LUNA events for the remainder of the 2020 spring semester.

About a month later lockdown hit.

This was a big union decision discussed and voted upon in LUNA, giving president and vice this authority, that I only found out when I was asked to come in after successfully reserving my ticket.

Never heard my accusations, never could defend/present my side, wasn’t even present during the trial, didn’t even know about the trial. Secret accusations and secret trials, not even Kangaroo court.

How is this not Fascism? It certainly isn’t along the principles and spirit of the Free Western World – but instead in complete opposition to it.

(Fourth secret reporting is the recording which the chronology is coming to...)

Short explanation about relevant details regarding the pub.

Every visitor to the pub has to be a registered member (Swedish government’s alcohol serving permit regulation, has to be “a closed company”), and registration is basically on an ask and ye shall receive basis.

Among members, those willing can volunteer at the yearly meeting to be elected into the board, and thereby get to organize pub evenings and run the operation. Also, members can be adjoined into board membership arbitrarily (not mentioned in by-laws).

Emails to the Rydberg Memory Association (Pub Rydberg’s) regarding cancellation #2

(sent after #3, but before #4). Where I voice my unacceptance.

from: /VN

to: Pub Rydbergs email

date: Aug 17, 2020

subject: Secret accusations and sham trial with no possibility of defense

Tjena (M?)!

Talked to P today, have previously talked to HK (spelling?) also, they stand firm to that there are no problems at all with the secret accusations against me and sham trial without the possibility of defence.
Astonishingly surprisingly, this is not okay with me, and it belongs in totalitarian dictatorships with arbitrary law, not in the free Western world in a de:Rechtsstaat with sv:Rättssäkerhet!

I do not accept neither my secret accusations, nor the process I have been given, nor the verdict nor the consequences that followed. I want to appeal everything and accuse the board of abuse of power, corruption and of being highly inappropriate to carry out its mission to run and represent Pub Rydberg's.

Either way, P suggested we meet.
But since you wanted (according to P's statement) to "keep it formal and official" we can keep it in writing.


from: Pub Rydbergs email (chair)

to: VN

date: Aug 18, 2020

Hello V.
There has been neither a trial nor a verdict. Rydbergs is an association, not a state. Being a board member of an association is a position of trust. This means that the annual meeting thinks that they have confidence in you to run the association until the next annual meeting. The board 19/20 made the decision, after a long meeting with you where you presented your side and view of the situation, that you no longer had that confidence.

Trust is something you are given, not a right you have. It is thus a matter of whether the members have confidence in you in the assignment you have for the association.

The annual meeting has delegated the right to declare that a person no longer has the association's trust in the board. Thus, the board has the right to declare people distrustful, until the next annual meeting where this decision has the opportunity to be revoked, when the annual meeting decides on the association.

During an annual meeting, you have the right to lift and appeal all decisions made by the board during the year, and there let the association decide whether the board has acted correctly or not. If the board 19/20 has abused its power, been corrupt or inappropriate in its assignment, this must be raised at the annual meeting, before they are given discharge from liability, or at the next meeting.

Rydberg's board,
via MK,
Chairman of the Rydbergs Minne Association

from: VN

to: PubRydbergs email (chair)

date: Aug 18, 2020

Hello M!
I understand a little better how it is reasoned.

"There has been neither a trial nor a verdict."
De facto there has been. As it has all the components of a trial. However, it has been a sub-type of trial, not a fair one, but one with secret accusations and without the possibility of defence, a sham trial.
More specifically, I strongly suspect that this was a case of cancel-culture, where it is played dirty against someone because that one, says statements unallowed according to a certain extremist ideology, does not conform, does not follow self-censorship, but which should be completely unproblematically allowed in the free Western world with free speech, free thought, and free humour.

"The board 19/20 made the decision, after a long meeting with you where you presented your side and view of the situation, (that you no longer had that confidence.)"
That is exactly the thing, my side could by definition never be heard, because no one knew my secret accusations including myself. I was there because of the secret accusations, nothing else. Everything else is irrelevant.
Of the secret accusations, everything could potentially outright have been a lie, potentially malicious abuse of power, or something that does not hold up in defense, or some major misunderstanding that could be sorted out, etc.
So the decision was made based on complete ignorance of what had transpired, and instead on prejudices, assumptions, guesses, speculations. Had there been no secrets, and had I thus been able to say my side, then perhaps my confidence would have looked completely different. And the decision accordingly.

So I stand by what I claim from the beginning.
Such behavior does not belong here, move in such case to China, North Korea, Iran, etc. The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany are unfortunately or fortunately inaccessible.


Cancel-culture enabling the enterprise by changing the by-laws, the document of rules regulating how the member-elected board runs the operation.

Over the span of 2019 autumn semester and 2020 spring semester, a change to the by-laws was suggested, and voted for by the few members showing up to two member meetings.

The association’s by-laws were changed in the following manner

--- Old ---
§2 Membership
Membership can be won by people active at the Department of Physics at Lund University or at departments closely related to it.

--- Modified, new. ---
2 Membership and membership fee
Membership can be won by people working at the Department of Physics at Lund University or at departments closely related to it.

If there are exceptional circumstances, the association's board can, by a simple majority, choose to exclude a member from the association Rydbergs Minne.

--- Added, new. ---
11 Statutes
The chairman of the Rydbergs Minne Association has priority over the interpretation of these statutes.

So the chairman has arbitrary interpretation of the organization’s by-laws.

Including, arbitrary interpretation of one of the by-laws which is, the ability to exclude members if “exceptional circumstances” apply.

And a majority in the board of directors is needed for deciding on an exclusion.

So the chairperson can,

with lesser or fewer loyal Partysans,

with more or less social engineering* of the remaining board members

pretty easily cancel-culture members of the organization.

*(a social engineering likely done by all Partysans in concert) or simply in other words: manipulation.

Here are news posters from the student union LUNA with suggestion and/or encouragement of secret reporting.

( )

( )

I can think of one reason to cancel-culture out of the board: I would have most likely caught the change of the by-laws, identifying it problematic, objected, bringing everyone’s attention to it and argumenting against upon decision voting, which could have risked defeating the social engineering.

I can think of one reason to cancel-culture me out of general pub membership: since I objected to my treatment at the actual yearly meeting (at end of 2020 spring semester) in a softer friendlier manner, then I strongly objected to my treatment in a written manner after summer, I would have brought it up during next years yearly members meeting. But not if I am no longer a member.

I can think of one reason to cancel-culture me in general: I offer strong and well motivated viewpoints not conforming to the prevalent groupthink herd-mentality ideology. I am critical to aspects of feminizm and sjw. Therefore I interfere with the “recruitment process”, indoctrination, into the following and realization of plans of the ideology, by providing a different alternative. Just like with J.K.Rowling.

Like I did in one association which wanted to cancel-culture Richard Matthew Stallman (RMS), since I dared to speak in a controversial direction, risking myself, there weren’t only voices and strong voices in the “collectivist” “safe direction”.

My limited side, not knowing any accusations.

I have always tried my best and I would say accomplished very well to: acting very carefully at study, being respectful, being courteous, being considerate, trying to help out whenever I can, treating everybody the same, being open and giving equal first chance.

I am however not shy to having own original opinions, not based on conforming to the herd, that are thoroughly backed up by facts, science and logical reasoning and are checked more than once for correctness and accuracy, and voicing these opinions in fitting moments, as well as being critical when it comes to something important and the previous requirements are fulfilled.

I wouldn’t say that I have acted or done anything coming even close to being serious! Let alone warranting anonymous secret reporting, even once!

I would say it would be quite far fetched, very unlikely, but in principle possible that I encountered an extremely hypersensitive person, but overwhelmingly many things indicate otherwise.

My best theory isn’t that something legitimate has transpired.

Instead it is that I could be critical to aspects of feminism and social-justice-warrior (sjw) culture and could articulate and argument sharply, cutting through the bs, and I dared doing that – and that made me dangerous to this group of ideologues, who have sought out, infiltrated, and taken over active positions in student associations.

Don’t get me wrong, I am for equal rights, equal opportunity and equal responsibility!

But when truth and science are no longer a first priority, over ideology, I do not accept silence!

Oh, and another important detail in the process, as I write about in my bigger text linked to below as “Part 3”, I was tested early on as a board member, to identify my principles/values and hence suitability for the ends of the ideology. Now in afterhand, I can see how I was identified as a non-Partisan and anti-ideology in question – another reason to cancel-culture me.

This crucially shows there being a deliberate, premeditated and planned out strategy being employed throughout, being more specifically to install Partisans and eliminate unlikethinkers, with the goal to manipulate board decision voting, and ultimate goal of furthering the ideology.

Providing it as an excerpt (a long one) here:

T premise of that word, on t Fysicum Pub board, to promise secrecy about t accused person, is to not have rumors get out and spread to t detriment of that persons life, this premise had per definition nullified itself to begin with, since t board this originated from, already had spread rumors to other boards, including ours.

From t beginning. And this is complete hearsay, from several sources.

Some guy at LTH has been showing attention to 1 or more girls somewhat too enthusiastically. He had been wating outside exam with flowers, trying to talk up, leaving letter in mailbox, texting, don’t know t exact details, have heard neither side firsthand. Sounds between quite innocent to quite disrespecting.

What if his Grandmother and Grandfather told him as advice to be persistent and not give up that easily, because otherwise they themselves wouldn’t have become together and him not existing.

Anyway, he apparently was told to stop, by t LTH student union after ~2 months, but continued. Then he was tried and sentenced by t LTH student union board, to “being a stalker / guilty of stalking”, and banned from all activities arranged by t LTH student union, who further contacted many other student organization boards and warned about him, and “warned about having to deal with him, because he starts processes”, apparently he had filed a report on t matter with t actual legal authorities.

This is what we were to decide upon at one of our board meetings, if he is to be allowed at our pub evenings, since our guests may be uncomfortable, which is kind of a fair argument.

This was before I had personally had experience in dealing with t “church of feminizm & sjw”.

During our board meeting, people generally didn’t have much opinion, I asked how we could be sure of his guilt and if he had gotten a fair trial and what t evidence was. Was reassured by t president that t LTH-SU had done their job well and correctly. A little more discussing and I said that, if we are to take a decision upon t matter for us here, we should hold a fair trial and look at t evidence ourselves, to which t president said that nope, I have full confidence in that LTH-SU did a good job and made t correct decision. He gave some vague examples, which were at t time hard to refute, yeah t guy didn’t exactly behave t very smartest, plus it sounded like t LTH-SU board seemed thorough and trustworthy, so I let it be.

With personal experience, I wouldn’t accept an accusation from one side without hearing it firsthand, together with then also hearing t second side’s reply firsthand. Further, based on my own experiences, I doubt highly that t process held any good standard, it was probably on t level of a (junior) high-school popular clique group deciding if they like somebody or not, based on being highly biased towards one party and against t other party.

Imagine having one single instance of a process, of potentially low quality, from somebody not a proper legal state court, deeming you something as extremely serious as a stalker, then spreading this to other groups who take it at face value without holding own processes. Using that specific word*, without a proper trial, it is basically on t level of kids spreading rumours, but with this being actual adults that sounds to me like it should be tried in a proper court for defamation/slander/libel!

This guy has all t rights in t free world to not accept his verdict, question and appeal it, and have it tried for legality.

But this is how t “church of feminizm & sjw” handle things, to them, he obviously is guilty, since it is so obviously apparent, and everything is thereafter justified, and he is so bad, for saying against his judges, for not accepting and questioning his verdict and guilt.

*Use any other words, like behaving highly inappropriately, disrespectfully, invasively, stupidly etc. I understand t desire to use strong language, but it must be precisely reserved for t exact right circumstances, otherwise you are hurting and doing a disservice to t actual victims, by them being taken less seriously if t language describing their situations is used too commonly, losing meaning. Extremely more seriously it is regarding false accusations, which are not only damaging to t innocent accused ofcourse, but also highly damaging to real victims, whose credibility often is purely their word against another’s word, and that credibility must be kept high.

A proven false accuser - is just as serious as a true perpetrator going unpunished!

Another two important cases at Lund university are:

(Again, covered in more detail in the main “Part 3” texts.)

Germund Hesslow, professor in neurophysiology, among other teaching a course called Heredity and Evironment (sv: Arv och Miljö) to medicine program students. Offended students complained. His case has similarities with that of Jordan Peterson.

Johan Grant, was a psychology professor, was subjected to the exact same template as I was, with the difference being, consequence fired and by colleagues employed at a workplace. Sensitive students complained.

A physicists* take on philosophizing on and trying to describe the world


WARNING: possibly very impolitically incorrect, and safety cannot be guaranteed!

I know and can explain the actual why that is behind the saying “Socialism fails and Capitalism works”.

I understand and explain in my text what makes Capitalism good and what makes it bad.

How the economic part is tied to the political/ideological and sociological parts.

What the construct of the Free Western World is, what principles it is built on, how it is unique both in current time and historically, and why it is very fragile and much easier to destroy than create!

That what ends civilizations is feminization leading to hedonism-collectivism!

My experiences have also made me a bit of an expert on Fascism. Which is centrally important to have a good understanding of!

All of these topics are interconnected and all I have written about must be studied together!

Not in a very polished presentable state, recommend to read linearly, start to finish, and not skim, will probably just be nonsense otherwise.

Table of contents:

Part 3:

In “Part 3” is the foundation, for that which is

in this “Part 3, Addendum”, being conclusions therefrom drawn.

Part 3, Addendum:


[Copy of YouTube clip description]

Last night in Sweden. Cancel-culture at Lund University. ( Starts at 0:29 )

( Starts at 0:29 )

Secret accusations and secret trials at student organizations at Lund University.

Cancel-culture in the most feminized country in the world!

This Chinese “cultural revolution”, French revolution “reign of terror”, phenomenon, this is what you get, social-justice.

Where "social" comes from socialism, "democracy", mob rule.

More info and backstory behind the clip can be found in my post here: [link to blogpost]

See bottom of this description for much more info explaining the construct of the Free Western World, and more about these topics.

First thing’s first: Faaak my Sweeengliiish! Had no idea I even had any, let alone it being this bad, until hearing a recording of myself!

Second: I did ask permission to record and was granted, their side also made one recording, no deception/dishonesty from my side. In any case, by Swedish law it is allowed to secretly record a conversation one is taking part in. So I am perfectly within the law.

Third: Names have been edited out with silence for several reasons.

Fourth: While as far as I know, this is 100% real for me, don’t hate on the people involved, they did afterall provide the material and agree to both parties recording, and they may be just kids not knowing any better thinking they’re doing the right thing, or absolute monsters. Condemn the actions, not the specific people.

Fifth: It may not sound like it from the recording, but this does have an impact and does take some toll on me.

0:29 Start.

4:26 Errata: I say “yearly meeting” mistakenly.

Was thinking of a regular board meeting held in the beginning of February.

The yearly meeting is a bit into the summer, at the end of the spring semester and is for all pub members, while a regular board meeting is only for board members.

~4:50-5:25 Seems we have two parallel discussions here, I am talking about how the Feb meeting was opened by previous-chair, current-chair seems to be talking about how the meeting ended with the decision to exclude me from the board.

Previous-chair (of last fiscal year) opened that Feb board meeting with saying my secret accusations, and his judgement based on knowing the details, which only he knew due to sensitivity/seriousness of the matter and anonymity (and possibly also then vice-chair, now chair, present in recording).

A matter that could have been made up, lied about, like in the case of Lindsay Shepherd.

Present in the recording:

The accused, me, /V.

Part of the judging Party, which is, in a fair trial in the free Western world, supposed to be impartial and objective. In this case consisting of:

Chair (vice-chair of previous fiscal year) (opens dialogue)

Vice-chair (speaks least)

Cashier (female)

A regular board member

-Robert Reich (Former Clinton Labor Secretary), 2020-10-17

“When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”

A "truth and reconciliation commission", this is how that is going to work!

Similar to what J. K. Rowling warned us about - with the "Ministry of Truth"!

J. K. Rowling, who by the way neither has said anything wrong is another victim of cancel-culture.

Instead she dared to suggest that maybe too many recently are becoming transgender for the wrong reasons, making irreversible physiological changes, not due to the medical condition of gender dysphoria, but due to basically hype and trendyness and lack of contrary arguments (which are of intolerated as hatespeech by the "tolerant" and "inclusive" identity-politics-"left"), something that medical professionals working with this, doing the psychological evaluations, also have lifted several times, but by the fundamentalist, extremist, cultlike, ideologues this is branded as transphobia and is forbidden speech, that one is to get attacked over by a large vicious mob only capable of collectivistic herd behaviour - one form of cancel-culture.

What it really is about, is that those cultlike ideologues use LGBTQ+ people as a tool, as a weapon and as a shield, among other as written above, and J.K.Rowling threatened the “production” of those weapons.

In addition it is good to make a public example of her, being a prominent public figure, in order to scare every onlooker into self-censorship. Something enjoyed only in single-party dictatorships, with arbitrary law, and a though/speech-police with arbitrary power - the opposite of the free Western world!

Oh, and the "identity" in identity-politics-"left", is about what group one was born into that decide one's role - not one's individual actions and choices.

And it is further the immutable visible characteristics that are to be diverse - not thought - not the invisible content of one's character!

Donald John Trump is as American and as anti-Fascist as it gets, because he stands for the construct of the Free Western World, which is a construction in opposition to Fascism.

It is he who defended American freedom, liberty, and the principles and foundations they stem from, in the speech on Freedom Day, on Independence Day 2020. Trump holds July 4 celebration at Mt. Rushmore

Start 4:08:02

First important highlight 4:15:27 - 4:17:58

Second important highlight 4:31:22 - 4:32:59 ( ~ 4:35:30 )

A physicists* take on philosophizing on and trying to describe the world


WARNING: possibly very impolitically incorrect, and safety cannot be guaranteed!

I know and can explain the actual why that is behind the saying “Socialism fails and Capitalism works”.

I understand and explain in my text what makes Capitalism good and what makes it bad.

How the economic part is tied to the political/ideological and sociological parts.

What the construct of the Free Western World is, what principles it is built on, how it is unique both in current time and historically, and why it is very fragile and much easier to destroy than create!

That what ends civilizations is feminization leading to hedonism-collectivism!

My experiences have also made me a bit of an expert on Fascism. Which is centrally important to have a good understanding of!

All of these topics are interconnected and all I have written about must be studied together!

Not in a very polished presentable state, recommend to read linearly, start to finish, and not skim, will probably just be nonsense otherwise.

Table of contents:

Part 3:

In “Part 3” is the foundation, for that which is

in this “Part 3, Addendum”, being conclusions therefrom drawn.

Part 3, Addendum:



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